
Here are a couple of videos that I directed and produced while I was working as the Director of Photography:

Gopro Hero 6 Review

I directed and produced this video to test out GoPro's latest action camera: The Hero6 Black. Shot and produced in Hong Kong.

apple iphone x Hands on

Apple invited us to Beijing to get a first look at the iPhone X and test out the features such as Face ID and the A11 Bionic chip. 

Instagram curation & Content Creation

As part of the re-branding process, I managed @digitalrev's Instagram account and created daily content for promoting the newest photography gear. To build engagement, I also provided the platform for photographer's on Instagram to share their photos with us using the #digitalrev and have a chance to be featured on the account. 

DR IG Screenshot.jpg

Content Creation

Here are some of the daily photos I photographed of different photography gear to drive engagement/ traffic back to the e-commerce platform. 

Instagram Giveaways

I also created strategic giveaway's for certain products for our brand partners to drive engagement/ promote through our audience.